A 67-year-old Windsor Locks man who was accused of repeatedly raping a considerably older woman was convicted in a plea bargain Tuesday of two misdemeanors and received a suspended sentence and probation, largely because of both his own medical condition and the victimâs.
Brookline police: lesson about Jesus leads to sex assault claim
Brookline police filed disorderly conduct charges against two men last week, after a homeless man who intended to âteachâ a Park Street resident about Jesus told officers the Brookline man tried to sexually assault him.
I want to improve my English,I want a friend to help me,I don't mind what sex, age, educational backgroud or this kind of things,as long as he or she can chat with me on QQ,everything will be fine.I know the United States time is polar to Chinese,but I think I can make it.From now on I'm waiting for the kind people.
Best answer:
Answer by M.D. Hotaling i don't know any chinese, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask me cheers!
Question by 4HIM- Christians love: Why do kids not understand that Sex is not love?
There are so many teenagers on this site who believe that sex is love. Sex is God's inventionand it is sanctioned by Him for love and fulfilment in a marriage commitment and to have children. Sexual activities outside of marriage can cause unwanted pregnancies, STD, and heartbreak. Please kids, get interested in sports, music, volunteer work, and unselfish acts of helping others. Save sex for the person who makes a commitment to you in marriage. Ok then, look at all of the problems and heartbreak that almost everyone is experiencing.
Best answer:
Answer by Poster22 You are absolutley full of crap. Have sex because it feels good, and not for any other BS reasons like those stated above!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
i mean shes not even attractive. i just have the urge to just throw her to the ground and make sweet love to her. Can anyone helop me with this problem? I dont want u to insult me i want serious help
Best answer:
Answer by Randy man won't admit it but most guys go thru wanting their mom sexually, i did with my mom. im me on my yaoo messenger or laker65020@yahoo.com for email an messenger u did not say how old u were asmost guys grow out of that phase when puberty is over
While Allbreed Judge Genevieve Basquine (F) is looking at the vital statistics of Luna (which are Breed, Division, Color, Age and Sex), she stokes Luna gently over her back. Luna is only happy to oblige to react to the petting.
Most recyclable materials will be accepted Thursday, April 7 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Eastern Kentucky University Ashland Parking Lot on Kit Carson Drive. Batteries, plastics, aluminum, scrap metal, cardboard, mixed paper (magazines, newspapers, etc.) and E-scrap (computer monitors, towers, etc.) will be accepted during this time. Proceeds will beneift the Madison County Humane Scoiety ...
India's population is now more than 1.2 billion, an increase of 181 million in a decade, putting it on course to surpass China as the world's most populous nation sometime after 2030, according to preliminary census results released Thursday.
The Cassowary's large size, its large greyish helmet (casque) and the red wattle hanging from the neck, make it easy to identify. The feathers of the body are black and hair-like. The bare skin of the head and fore-neck is blue, while the rear of the neck is red. Both sexes are similar in appearance, but the female is generally larger than the male, with a taller casque, and is brighter in colour. Young Cassowaries are browner than adults, and have duller coloured head and neck. The chicks are striped yellow and black. If a Cassowary is approached it will generally stand its ground. If the intruder approaches too close, the bird will stretch itself as tall as possible, ruffle its feathers and let at a loud hiss in an attempt to scare the intruder off. The birds are equipped with quite dangerous claws, and will readily attack a persistent intruder, although they usually retreat into the dense rainforest.
Upon conviction of art. 125 of UCMJ if sodomy was consentual, is sex offender registry required?
Under article 125 of the UCMJ (sodomy) there are 3 types of crimes under this article... consentual, forced entry/not consentual, and sodomy of a child/animal. If someone is found guilty of Article 125 and the act was consentual do they seriously have to register as a sex offender for the rest of their life? I understand it's illegal in the military and that technically it is a sex crime but consentually doing the act of sodomy does not, to me constitute a sex offender....so would someone who consentually did this while in the military who was convicted have to register as a sex offender? Military attorneys or attorney's with good military experience/knowlege PLEASE reply
Thank you This is why I asked for MILITARY experienced people to reply....not trying to be rude.....it really doesn't matter if it isn't illegal in CIVIL law because the military is a whole different ball game....sodomy IS illegal in the military point blank no getting around it. I understand that it isn't right and in the CIVILIAN world it can EASILY be overturned but this is the military we are talking about....like I said its a whole different ball game....
Best answer:
Answer by Libertyforall See Lawrence v. Texas, overturning anti-sodomy laws as an impermissible invasion of privacy.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
--------Present California------ While we drove to their home they went back and forth telling horrible jokes"ok Demi, your turn"Liam said looking at me through the review mirror. "shoot"I say actually paying attention to him. "Did you hear about the couple that met in a revolving door?"he said. "what"I say shrugging my shoulders. "c'mon you have to take a guess"He said. After that horrible thought just occurred I wish I would've stayed in New York. I suddenly wanted to cry. He told me that he refused to let me go again, but he was the one that used me and left me to deal with the pain by myself. I couldn't believe Nick would stoop that low. He tells me he still loves me and I was stupid enough to believe him. When he left me naked in some strangers bed II knew I had made the worst mistake of my life by having sex with him again. I wish I wanted to take it back. At night I have dreams of that night and when I wake up and realize it was just a dream I immediately burst into tears. I still miss him, his smell, his voice, his laugh, his face. Everything about him I miss, I just wished he'd feel the same about me. He came, saw, and conquered my heart once, yet again. "party stinker"he said snapping me back from my depressed thoughts. "They're still going around together"I asked him just taking a guess. He slammed down on breaks and gasped"you already heard it?"he ask surprised. That small scene was a bit dramatic, but I let a genuine small smile escape my lips. "nope I just ...
KUALA LUMPUR: Police have arrested two men in connection with the sex video of a man who is said to resemble a prominent opposition politican having sex with a foreign prostitute.
Local Investigation Leads To Pierce County Sex Charge
OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE: An investigation launched by Deputy Damon Simmons in the sheriff's sex crimes unit has led to the charging of a Pierce County man with a felony count of Communication with a Minor for Immoral Purpose. In December 2010, Deputy Simmons was conducting undercover operations via a stand-alone computer in the sex crimes office. He created a Yahoo.com adult chat room account an ...